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In support of its mission the Mathematics Research Center provides funding for the following:

  • Long-term visitor program
  • Seminar series (funding requests not required unless request is for a new seminar topic)
  • Conferences
  • Annual public lectures
  • Distinguished and Named Lecture Series
  • Mathematical meetings and events

Guidelines on how to request funding:

To request funding from the MRC that meets the criteria above please follow these guidelines:

  1. For visitor funding, fill out the Visitor Information Form on the Math Department website.
  2. For event funding, reach out to Allison Winsatt at awinsatt [at] (awinsatt[at]stanford[dot]edu), Kirstyn Caldwell at kirstyn.caldwell [at] (kirstyn[dot]caldwell[at]stanford[dot]edu), and Jacob Fox at jacobfox [at] (jacobfox[at]stanford[dot]edu) with a detailed description of the event. Include the following details:
    1. Purpose of the event and it's relevance to the goals of the MRC
    2. Date(s) and time(s) of the event
    3. Event audience/projected attendees
    4. Type of funding requested (i.e., catering services, location reservation, attendee travel reimbursement)

If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Allison Winsatt at 650-725-1515 or email at awinsatt [at] (awinsatt[at]stanford[dot]edu).

Seminar Lecture Series Funding Facts:

  • Each seminar topic area has a dedicated annual budget supported by the MRC to fund visitors to deliver lectures in their specific mathematical field.  Questions regarding the allocated budget amount and remaining balance should be directed to Allison Winsatt at awinsatt [at] (awinsatt[at]stanford[dot]edu).
  • It is the responsibility of the seminar organizer to stay within the allocated annual budget.
  • Expenses – please bear in mind that local hotels are very costly and are currently averaging $250-400 per night.  It is not unusual for a speaker’s travel expenses to exceed $1000 per visit.
  • A seminar visitor’s primary purpose is to deliver a lecture, and the University allows for reimbursement of travel expenses for one day before and after the lecture.  If your visitor will be here for a greater period of time, please reach out to Jacob Fox at jacobfox [at] (jacobfox[at]stanford[dot]edu) with information about the visitor and your research goals to request additional MRC funding.
  • Honorarium is rarely offered to a seminar speaker, and if it is, the amount is nominal. If you would like to request an honorarium for your speaker please indicate this on the Visitor Information Form.

If you have any questions or need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact Allison Winsatt at 650-725-1515 or awinsatt [at] (awinsatt[at]stanford[dot]edu), or Kirstyn Caldwell at kirstyn.caldwell [at] (kirstyn[dot]caldwell[at]stanford[dot]edu).